#4 ChatGPT

My prompt:

I am a college student in Taiwan. I want to improve my English ability. My goal is to get a TOEIC 600. However, my listening ability is not good and my vocabulary is small. How can I improve my English ability? What learning resources are available? Please give me the URL.


Improving your English skills, especially for TOEIC, is a great goal! Here are some steps and resources that can help you:

1. Listening Skills:

  • Practice Listening Regularly: Listen to English podcasts, news, movies, or TV shows. Focus on understanding the main ideas and details.
  • Use TOEIC Listening Materials: There are specific TOEIC listening practice materials available online. Here are a few:
    • TOEIC Listening Practice - ETS
    • TOEIC Listening - English-Test.net
    • TOEIC Listening Exercises - Exam English
  • Language Exchange: Find a language exchange partner who speaks English fluently. This can give you real-time practice in listening and speaking.

2. Vocabulary Building:

  • Read Regularly: Read English books, articles, or websites. Make a habit of noting down new words and their meanings.
  • Use Vocabulary Apps: Apps like Quizlet, Memrise, or Anki can help you learn and retain new words.
  • TOEIC Vocabulary Resources: Many online platforms offer TOEIC-specific vocabulary lists and exercises:
    • TOEIC Vocabulary - TestDEN
    • TOEIC Vocabulary - Magoosh
    • TOEIC Vocabulary PDF - Exam English

3. Speaking and Writing:

  • Practice Speaking: Engage in conversations with classmates, friends, or language partners. Focus on fluency and accuracy.
  • Write Regularly: Keep a journal or write essays in English. Use online tools like Grammarly to improve your writing skills.
  • TOEIC Speaking and Writing Resources:
    • TOEIC Speaking - 4Tests
    • TOEIC Writing - English-Test.net

4. Online Courses and Tutorials:

  • Coursera: Offers various English language courses, including TOEIC preparation courses. (Link: Coursera)
  • edX: Similar to Coursera, edX provides English language courses and TOEIC preparation materials. (Link: edX)
  • YouTube: Many English teachers and TOEIC experts create free tutorials and lessons on YouTube. Search for channels like "TOEIC Test Preparation" or "English with Lucy."

5. Join English Language Clubs or Workshops:

  • Many universities or language institutes in Taiwan offer English language clubs or workshops. Participate in these to practice your skills with peers and receive guidance from instructors.

6. Consistency and Patience:

  • Improving your English skills takes time and consistent effort. Set aside dedicated study time each day and be patient with yourself.

Do any of these resources particularly stand out to you?

Comments on the Results:

Although ChatGPT gave many good learning methods and suggestions, and also gave the URLs of two learning websites, when I asked about other websites with online resources mentioned above, it was unable to provide them to me. This affects my willingness to use ChatGPT.


  1. Good try, Betty. Some of the suggestions by ChatGPT are quite good. You mention 'listening' and 'vocabulary' this time; perhaps you could narrow it down a bit by focusing on one topic at a time, and see if you would like it better.

